Sunday, March 3, 2013

Homemade Wedding Gift - Part 2 of 4

Want to try your hand at some string art? Well, you'll need the logistics. Depending on how big your designs is and what you decide to do, the amount of nails you will need will differ. But here's what we used for our design (see previous post for reference):

We bought 4 packs of 17 x 1-1/4" stainless wire nails. 

We recommend that you use a smooth-faced hammer to avoid scuffing the nail heads.

Now we can start adding nails to outline the cut-out of "Fisher". We decided to use a marker to make sure each nail is the same width apart and all nails are the same height. You don't want the nails to be too close together and having them too far apart would make it harder to make out what the design is actually supposed to be. We've found that having the nails 3/4" high and 3/8" apart was the best - here's a good tip to keep it consistent.We folded a piece of masking tape two ways to use as markers.

For the width: Take a piece of masking tape and fold it the long way. (Photos are clockwise).

For the height: Take a piece of masking tape and fold it the short way. (Photos are clockwise).

Now start nailing! Tip number 2? Patience. 

Four packs of nails later, our outline is done!

You're halfway there! Now it's time for the string. Not sure what type of string to buy? Having trouble picking out the color? Well, don't miss Part 3 of this homemade wedding gift!

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